H.S.C.EXAM 2015 About 11 lakh students are appearing for the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent exams, which begin today (Wednesday) amid the continuing political unrest, including blockade and agitation. The Education Ministry ventured to hold the exams defying the hartal and blockade, enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance. But it had played safe during the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent exams, saying it was a matter of security of the examinees. The ministry assured the examinees that law enforcers will keep them under surveillance while they are on the way to the exam centres. During the SSC exams, the ministry had said that law enforces would be deployed to provide security to the examinees, but later backtracked considering the security of the 15 lakh students. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid, said in a statement yesterday (Wednesday) that the BNP-led alliance would have to bear the responsibility if any examinee faces trouble because of its movement. “I want to make it clear that if any examinee suffers any loss, they (BNP-led alliance) will have to take the responsibility. People will not pardon you,” he said. He said: “The examinees are not the children of any specific party. They are the future of the nation. Allow them to sit for the exams peacefully. Please, don’t do anything irrational.” Wishing the examinees, he said law enforcers will keep surveillance so that they can go to the exam centres safely. . The SSC exams were scheduled for one month, but continued for two months as the ministry could not hold the exams as per routine due to hartal. All the exams were held on holidays – Fridays and Saturdays. But regarding the HSC exams, the minister said: “If the HSC exams are held only on Fridays and Saturdays, it would take four to five months to complete, which is not possible.” About holding of exams amid hartal, he said: “Showing respect to the opinions and suggestions, the ministry has decided to hold the exams as per routine under any circumstances as it was the demand of all -- examinees, guardians and teachers. There is no alternative to it.” Although the BNP-led alliance called a 48-hartal on Monday and again on Tuesday, it extended the hartal till 6:00am on Friday. Despite the assurance from the Education Ministry, the HSC examinees are feeling insecure. Fariha Akhter, an examinee of the Agargaon Taltola Govt. Colony High School and Girls' College said: “We are in a state of panic. If the exams are held amid hartal and if any untoward incident occurs, who will take the responsibility? But we want all our exams completed in time.” A total of 10,73,884 examinees are likely to take part in the exams at 8,305 educational institutions under 10 education boards. The number was 11,41,374 in 2014. Of the examinees, 5,70,993 are boys and 5,02,891 girls.


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

ভ্রমণ জীবনে অনেক ঘটনা ঘটছে তবে সবচেয়ে একটু ব্যতিক্রম ঘটনা (সাজেক ভ্যালী'র)

পথের জটিল লাস্য ছুঁয়ে দেখি তুমি দূর ছায়াপথিকের আলোর গভীরে তুমি অন্ধকার

নিশি রাতে চাঁন্দের আলো ঘরে ডুকেছে বন্ধু তোমার ভালোবাসা আমায় ছুঁয়েছে ।